Oliver’s Insights – seasonal patterns in shares

This article looks at seasonal patterns in shares and whether its time to “sell in May and go away” along the lines of the old share market saying.

What to watch for the global economy in 2024

Tune in to AMP Chief Economist, Dr Shane Oliver share his insights and projections for the economic year ahead. Original Author: Produced by AMP and published on 28/02/2024 Source

Oliver’s insights – 2024 macro investment outlook

Despite lots of angst at the start of the year, 2023 turned out far better than feared. Dr Shane Oliver reflects on key themes from the past year and suggests what investors should look out for in 2024

Oliver’s insights – risks for shares

This edition of Oliver’s Insights looks at the impact of rising bond yields on shares, the risks flowing from the renewed conflict in Israel and comparisons to the run up to the 1987 share crash.

Oliver’s insights – rebounding investment returns

The past financial year saw a solid rebound in investment returns, after the negative returns of the 2021-22 financial year. This note reviews the past 12 months in investment markets and looks at the outlook.

Econosights – Australian inflation

Are there better tools available to policymakers than raising interest rates to reduce inflation? Especially as interest rate hikes are having an unequal impact across household groups.

Your end of financial year super checklist

Your end of financial year super checklist With the end of financial year fast approaching, now is a good time to consider how you can use superannuation to maximise your tax benefits. While certain contributions may be able to reduce your taxable income or see you pay less on investment earnings, there are a range of considerations. These include how much money you have in your super, whether you’re still in the accumulation phase and …

The good news in the plunge in markets – higher medium-term return potential (assuming inflation is tamed) | AMP Capital

The good news in the plunge in markets – higher medium-term return potential (assuming inflation is tamed) Key points The fall in bond and share values and rise in their investment yields on the back of higher inflation has seen our medium term (5 to 10 year) return projections for a diversified mix of assets rise to around 6.8% p.a. If inflation falls back to around 2.5% pa this suggests reasonable average returns ahead. The …

2021-22 saw poor investment returns – the bad news and the good | AMP Capital

2021-22 saw poor investment returns – the bad news and the good   Key points 2021-22 was a rough year for investors as high inflation, rising interest rates and recession fears impacted. Shares could still fall further as interest rates continue to rise and recession risks are high. However, inflation pressures are showing some signs of easing which may take pressure off central banks from later this year. Some key things for investors to keep …

The falls in share markets this year – the bad news and the good | AMP Capital

The falls in share markets this year – the bad news and the good Key points Share markets remain under pressure from high inflation, rising interest rates and bond yields, the war in Ukraine and Chinese Covid lockdowns. It’s still too early to say markets have bottomed. However, it’s not all negative: we may have seen peak inflation in the US, share market earnings are still rising, Covid cases in China appear to be slowing …