The five reasons why the $A is likely to rise further – if recession is avoided

The five reasons why the $A is likely to rise further – if recession is avoided Key points – After a soft patch since 2021, there is good reason to expect the $A to rise into next year: it’s undervalued; interest rate differentials look likely to shift in favour of Australia; sentiment towards the $A is negative; commodities still look to have entered a new super cycle; and Australia is a long way from the …

November 2023 Market update

November 2023 Market update    Download PDF version Market update The table below provides details of the movement in average investment returns from various asset classes for the period up to 30 October 2023. Asset class (% change) 1 month 3 months 1 year 3 years (% pa) Australian shares -3.8 -7.2 3.0 8.9 Smaller companies -5.5 -10.5 -5.1 0.5 International shares (unhedged) -1.0 -3.4 11.7 12.0 International shares (hedged) -2.6 -7.9 9.6 9.6 Emerging markets …

Episode #84: China’s slowdown & structural challenges & the implications for Australia

AMP’s chief economist Dr. Shane Oliver explores how uncertainty around China’s outlook is a key risk for global growth and why Australia cannot rely on the China/commodity boom indefinitely. Instead, Australia needs structural reform to boost our longer-term growth potential. Read more on this episode here: Important information: This podcast is general in nature and hasn’t taken your circumstances into account. It’s important you consider your personal circumstances and speak to a financial adviser …

Insights: Why the need to lift productivity – and why it might be hard

Why the need to lift productivity Download PDF version Insights: Why the need to lift productivity – and why it might be hard Dr Shane Oliver – Head of Investment Strategy and Chief Economist, AMP Key points – The last 20 years have seen a slump in productivity growth in Australia from over 2% pa to less than 1% pa. This has curtailed growth in living standards and real wages. It will adversely affect asset class returns …

The confusing economic picture

The confusing economic picture – why you need to know the difference between leading and lagging economic indicators Dr Shane Oliver – Head of Investment Strategy and Chief Economist, AMP Download PDF version Key points For nearly 30 years Australia had benign economic cycles so the current environment may be a bit of a shock for many. Still low unemployment and still high inflation despite slowing economic growth are not that unusual because they both normally lag …

Chief Investment Officer of AMP Australia discusses considerations during market downturns – AMP

Chief Investment Officer of AMP Australia discusses considerations during market downturns Share markets are falling. Should you be thinking about your super? Lakshman Anantakrishnan, Chief Investment Office of AMP Australia discusses this and the importance of understanding the risk in your portfolio. Important information While every care has been taken in the preparation of this video, AMP Capital Investors Limited (ABN 59 001 777 591, AFSL 232497) and AMP Capital Funds Management Limited (ABN 15 …

What the Coalition’s election victory means for Australia’s economy

What the Coalition’s election victory means for Australia’s economy With the Coalition returning to government following Saturday’s Federal election, it’s likely to be business as usual for the Australian economy. AMP Capital Senior Economist Diana Mousina says the Coalition’s focus in the near term will remain on providing tax relief to low-and-middle-income households, which was the focus of this year’s Federal budget. This tax relief represents about 0.5 per cent of gross domestic product (GDP). …