Econosights – trade war risks with a Trump 2.0 presidency

We recently wrote about the issues surrounding the US election. In this Econosights we look specifically at Trump’s trade policies, which may result in significant downside risk to sharemarkets, in the event of a Trump 2.0 Presidency in 2025.

Econosights – positive supply shocks

Post pandemic, the supply of labour has increased in many major economies, including the US and Australia, through elevated immigration and a lift in the participation rate to a record high.

Econosights – does the Federal Reserve have to cut rates first?

In this Econosights we look at whether the US Federal Reserve will be the first major central bank to cut interest rates in this cycle.

Econosights – financial literacy gender gap

More than one third of adults in Australia are financially illiterate, with opportunities for improvement. There is also a gender gap in financial literacy in Australia. Women tend to have lower financial literacy than men. In Australia, the gender gap is larger compared to our global peers.

Econosights – Australian household wealth

Australia ranked as having one of the lowest rates of disposable income growth per capita amongst OECD countries in mid-2023. Deputy Chief Economist, Diana Mousina examines the implications of these and what Australians may expect.

Econosights – Australia’s high population growth

There has been a lot of focus on the record high level of Australia’s population growth in 2023 from the boom in immigration. We look at the impact of high population growth on the economy in this Econosights.

Econosights – wages breakout

Australia’s labour market has held up better than expected, despite the biggest interest rate hiking cycle since the late 1980s. Recently released data on newly lodged Enterprise Bargaining Agreements are showing a spike in wages growth which are increasing concerns that a wages breakout will threaten the inflation outlook.

Econosights – Australia and the Chinese economy

It is commonly accepted that Australia is highly dependent on the Chinese economy because of demand for Australian mineral resources and agriculture. Does this mean that the recent weakness in the Chinese economy will also weigh down on Australian economic growth?

Econosights – rising bond yields

The rise in yields has been driven by several simultaneous factors. These will be explored in this week’s edition of Econosights and look at the impact of rising bond yields.

Econosights – how much more excess savings do consumers have

This edition of Econosights looks at how much longer households can draw down on savings and what the outlook is for consumer spending.