What’s capital gains tax and when do you pay it?

 Download PDF version What’s capital gains tax and when do you pay it? Here’s a guide to how CGT works and some ways to minimise your tax burden Capital gains tax is charged on the profit you make from the sale of assets. CGT can apply to assets you’ve purchased or inherited – shares, investments, land, property (special rules apply to your primary residence), and even collectibles and personal items, depending on what you paid …

Seven things you need to know about the Australian property market

The Australian housing market has started the year on a solid note with national home prices up 1.6% over the first three months according to CoreLogic. We had thought the drag of high mortgage rates would get the upper hand again but the supply shortfall is continuing to dominate.

What does ‘wealthy’ mean to you?

Demographer Bernard Salt shares his insights. To find out more visit: www.amp.com.au/whateverwealthyyouwant Original Author: Produced by AMP and published on 30/08/2023 Source

Will these super changes affect you?

Will these super changes affect you? As our superannuation balances grow larger, it makes more sense than ever to keep track of the many rules changes that have recently happened or are coming up soon. Australians are investing more in super – almost $151 billion dollars in the year ending March 2023, an increase of 11.3 per cent.i Those extra contributions, plus the rebound in the financial markets, have resulted in super assets of around …

6 ways you can generate an income in retirement

6 ways you can generate an income in retirement The time has come. You’ve worked hard over the years contributing to your superannuation to build up your retirement savings. Now you need to think about the best way to convert your savings into an income stream that replaces your regular pay cheque. Here are six ways you could generate a steady and reliable source of income in retirement: An account-based pension allows you to access …

How much do you need to retire comfortably in Australia?

How much do you need to retire comfortably in Australia? Knowing how much money you might need, how long it will last can be tricky. Working out how much is enough for retirement depends on many factors, such as your lifestyle, plans for the future, and the number of years you’ll spend retired. Additionally, estimating how much you’ll have when you plan to retire depends on factors such as your current salary, super balance and …

Should you give your teenager a credit card

Should you give your teenager a credit card We live in a culture of smartphones, WIFI, home delivery, online shopping and online gaming, where most needs and wants can be met almost instantly. With so much temptation to spend, it’s vital to teach your kids the money skills to help them enjoy financial wellbeing as adults. One of these key skills is learning how to deal with debt responsibly. Researchers from Cambridgei University found that children …

Can you teach your kids to defer gratification?

Can you teach your kids to defer gratification? When it comes to teaching kids about healthy money habits, there are few lessons more important than being able to defer gratification. By helping kids learn to put off what they want right now and save instead, they’ll be better equipped with the skills to be financially secure adults. While it is possible to help kids have a money-saving mindset by teaching them to delay gratification, it’s …

Blue collar, white collar – how the job you do can affect your financial stress

Blue collar, white collar – how the job you do can affect your financial stress It’s fair to say that COVID took a toll on the working habits of Australians. Deep into lockdown and we were all getting slightly frayed around the edges. We knew we were all in this together. But we couldn’t help looking around and comparing our situation with those of friends and family in other walks of life. In the white-collar …

AMP, for whatever wealthy you want

AMP, for whatever wealthy you want Whatever ‘wealthy’ means to you, AMP’s banking, super and retirement expertise can help you get there. Find out how we can help at amp.com.au   Original Author: Produced by AMP and published on 11/04/2023 Source