Mortgage versus super – a common dilemma

Are you better off putting extra money into superannuation or the mortgage? Here are some rules you can follow to work out what’s right for you

Super and tax – what’s changing on 1 July 2024

 Download PDF version Super and tax – what’s changing on 1 July 2024 Here’s a quick rundown of the latest law changes They say nothing is certain in life except two things – death and taxes. Australians can probably add a third – the knowledge that come the end of financial year, the rules around superannuation and taxation will inevitably change. It can be hard keeping up with all the latest super and tax rule …

How to boost your retirement savings as super and tax laws change

Stay up-to-date with the latest information, views, and expert opinions to help you take care of your financial future.

Will these super changes affect you?

Will these super changes affect you? As our superannuation balances grow larger, it makes more sense than ever to keep track of the many rules changes that have recently happened or are coming up soon. Australians are investing more in super – almost $151 billion dollars in the year ending March 2023, an increase of 11.3 per cent.i Those extra contributions, plus the rebound in the financial markets, have resulted in super assets of around …

When can I access my super?

When can I access my super? Generally, you can access your super when you reach your preservation age and retire, but there could be special circumstances under which you might access your super early. Super is there to help you fund the years after you finish working, so normally to withdraw your super savings, you need to have reached a certain age and retired permanently. However, there are certain situations where you might be eligible …

What happens to my super when I move overseas?

What happens to my super when I move overseas? If you’re a permanent Aussie resident, your super will remain subject to the same rules. If you’re a temporary resident, you can apply to have your super paid to you after you leave. You might be leaving the country for a variety of reasons – career, love, new opportunities – or returning home. You’ve probably got a checklist of things to do before you go, so …

Your end of financial year super checklist

Your end of financial year super checklist With the end of financial year fast approaching, now is a good time to consider how you can use superannuation to maximise your tax benefits. While certain contributions may be able to reduce your taxable income or see you pay less on investment earnings, there are a range of considerations. These include how much money you have in your super, whether you’re still in the accumulation phase and …

9 ways to boost your super savings

9 ways to boost your super savings Check out what you could do while you’re still earning an income and have time on your side. Many of us turn a bit of a blind eye to super. We hope it’ll be enough when the time comes and believe the government’s age pension is available if we fall short. Not everyone is eligible for the age pension, and we may live a less than modest lifestyle …

Super contribution rules when you’re in your 60s and 70s

Super contribution rules when you’re in your 60s and 70s Know your options around making contributions, accessing your super savings and when Age Pension entitlements could be affected. Whether you’re still working, or you’ve already retired, rules around super contributions, accessing super and things like age pension eligibility do ramp up once you hit your 60s and 70s. There have also been a lot of rule changes in the super space, including some around age …

AMP, for whatever wealthy you want

AMP, for whatever wealthy you want Whatever ‘wealthy’ means to you, AMP’s banking, super and retirement expertise can help you get there. Find out how we can help at   Original Author: Produced by AMP and published on 11/04/2023 Source