Not another Eurozone crisis! The rise of the far right in Europe, the French election and implications for investors

                 Download PDF version Not another Eurozone crisis! The rise of the far right in Europe, the French election and implications for investors Key points – The success of far-right political parties in EU parliamentary elections & the calling of an election in France have boosted uncertainty by risking a return to the Eurozone crises. – However, centrist parties still dominate in Europe and support for the Euro …

Oliver’s Insights – seasonal patterns in shares

This article looks at seasonal patterns in shares and whether its time to “sell in May and go away” along the lines of the old share market saying.

What to watch for the global economy in 2024

Tune in to AMP Chief Economist, Dr Shane Oliver share his insights and projections for the economic year ahead. Original Author: Produced by AMP and published on 28/02/2024 Source

Econosights – financial literacy gender gap

More than one third of adults in Australia are financially illiterate, with opportunities for improvement. There is also a gender gap in financial literacy in Australia. Women tend to have lower financial literacy than men. In Australia, the gender gap is larger compared to our global peers.

The threat of higher oil and petrol prices flowing from the war in Israel

Download PDF version The threat of higher oil and petrol prices flowing from the war in Israel Key points – The war in Israel has added to the upside risks to oil prices and downside risks to shares in the near term. – If Iran stays out of the conflict & a major supply disruption is avoided the impact on shares should ultimately be minimal. – If alternatively, oil prices do have a renewed surge …

6 ways you can generate an income in retirement

6 ways you can generate an income in retirement The time has come. You’ve worked hard over the years contributing to your superannuation to build up your retirement savings. Now you need to think about the best way to convert your savings into an income stream that replaces your regular pay cheque. Here are six ways you could generate a steady and reliable source of income in retirement: An account-based pension allows you to access …

How much do you need to retire comfortably in Australia?

How much do you need to retire comfortably in Australia? Knowing how much money you might need, how long it will last can be tricky. Working out how much is enough for retirement depends on many factors, such as your lifestyle, plans for the future, and the number of years you’ll spend retired. Additionally, estimating how much you’ll have when you plan to retire depends on factors such as your current salary, super balance and …

9 money mistakes people make in retirement

9 money mistakes people make in retirement How to keep your finances on track once you leave the workforce When you’ve worked hard all your life to build up your nest egg, the last thing you want to do is fritter it away too quickly. In this article, we look at the common money mistakes people in retirement make, and how you can do your best to avoid them. 1. Not taking control of your …

How to budget in 3 simple steps

How to budget in 3 simple steps Learn how to manage your money and understand where it goes so you don’t end up with a financial hangover in the New Financial Year. For many of us, making a budget seems like a daunting and fairly stressful task. However, a budget is an essential component of money management and can help you get a handle on your finances and plan for your future. Instead of picturing …

Sell in May and go away? The worry list for shares (and the good news!

Sell in May and go away? The worry list for shares (and the good news! Dr Shane Oliver – Head of Investment Strategy and Chief Economist, AMP Key points – Shares are vulnerable to a pull back in the months ahead reflecting the rising risk of recession on the back of central bank tightening and weak seasonal influences. – Falling inflation should enable central banks, including the RBA, to start easing from later this year or early …