Not another Eurozone crisis! The rise of the far right in Europe, the French election and implications for investors

                 Download PDF version Not another Eurozone crisis! The rise of the far right in Europe, the French election and implications for investors Key points – The success of far-right political parties in EU parliamentary elections & the calling of an election in France have boosted uncertainty by risking a return to the Eurozone crises. – However, centrist parties still dominate in Europe and support for the Euro …

Oliver’s insights – The US presidential election – implications for investors and Australia

The US presidential election – implications for investors and Australia

What to watch for the global economy in 2024

Tune in to AMP Chief Economist, Dr Shane Oliver share his insights and projections for the economic year ahead. Original Author: Produced by AMP and published on 28/02/2024 Source

Oliver’s insights – falling inflation – what does it mean for investors?

The surge in inflation coming out of the pandemic and its subsequent fall
has been the dominant driver of investment markets over the last two
years – first depressing shares and bonds in 2022 and then enabling them
to rebound.

Oliver’s insights – nine key things for successful investing

Successful investing is not always easy and can be stressful. Even in good times. For this reason, it’s useful for investors to keep a key set of things in mind.

Oliver’s insights – risks for shares

This edition of Oliver’s Insights looks at the impact of rising bond yields on shares, the risks flowing from the renewed conflict in Israel and comparisons to the run up to the 1987 share crash.

Episode #84: China’s slowdown & structural challenges & the implications for Australia

AMP’s chief economist Dr. Shane Oliver explores how uncertainty around China’s outlook is a key risk for global growth and why Australia cannot rely on the China/commodity boom indefinitely. Instead, Australia needs structural reform to boost our longer-term growth potential. Read more on this episode here: Important information: This podcast is general in nature and hasn’t taken your circumstances into account. It’s important you consider your personal circumstances and speak to a financial adviser …