Market Update 29 July 2022 | AMP Capital

Market Update 29 July 2022   Investment markets & key developments The bounce back in shares continued over the last week on hopes that slowing growth will see central banks ease up on the pace of monetary tightening helped along by mostly good earnings results. However, while US and European shares rose, Japanese and Chinese shares fell. The positive global lead along with a less bad than feared CPI result reducing the risk of a …

Market Update 15 July 2022 | AMP Capital

Market Update 15 July 2022 Investment markets & key developments Share markets mostly fell over the last week on fears that still rising inflation will trigger faster rate hikes and recession. While Japanese shares rose, US, European and Chinese shares fell. The fall in Eurozone shares was magnified by the risk of a permanent shutdown of Russian gas flowing through the Nordstream 1 pipeline to Germany following a maintenance shutdown and another political crisis in …

Market Update 8 July 2022 | AMP Capital

Market Update 8 July 2022   Investment markets & key developments Share markets mostly rose over the last week on hopes that central banks will be able to tame inflation without causing a recession. However, it was messy with Eurozone shares – where the risk of recession is greatest – first making a new bear market low earlier in the week. Australian shares followed the global lead higher with very strong gains in IT, consumer …

Australia’s Achilles’ heel – high household debt and rising interest rates…it’s not as bad as it looks, but it’s still an issue | AMP Capital

Australia’s Achilles’ heel – high household debt and rising interest rates…it’s not as bad as it looks, but it’s still an issue   Key points Australian household debt has risen dramatically since the 1980s and is high compared to other countries. The rise is not as bad as it looks because it’s been matched by rising wealth and debt servicing problems are low. However, this will likely change as interest rates rise further & if …

The plunge in shares & flow on to super – key things for investors to keep in mind during times of market turmoil | AMP Capital

The plunge in shares & flow on to super – key things for investors to keep in mind during times of market turmoil Key points Share markets have fallen sharply in recent weeks continuing the plunge that started early this year due to worries about inflation, monetary tightening, recession & geopolitical issues including the invasion of Ukraine. It’s still too early to say markets have bottomed. This will weigh on super returns for this financial …

Market Update 20 May 2022 | AMP Capital

Market Update 20 May 2022 Investment markets & key developments It was another volatile weak in share markets with worries that rate hikes, cost pressures and Chinese supply disruptions would hit profits after downgrades from some US retailers and tech stocks. This left US and Eurozone shares down, but Japanese, Chinese and Australian shares rose helped by monetary easing in China. In Australia gains in IT, utility and material shares more than offset falls in …

5 big picture implications of the war in Ukraine of relevance for investors – and why are Australian shares holding up better? | AMP Capital

5 big picture implications of the war in Ukraine of relevance for investors – and why are Australian shares holding up better? | AMP Capital   Key Points The situation regarding Ukraine is at high risk of getting worse before it gets better for investment markets. The key is how much Russian energy exports are disrupted & whether NATO forces avoid the conflict. Five big picture implications are likely to be: increased geopolitical tensions; reduced …

Market Update 10 December | AMP Capital

Market Update 10 December   Investment markets & key developments Global share markets rebounded over the past week on indications that Omicron may only be resulting in mild cases. The positive global lead along with continuing RBA dovishness on interest rates also pushed the Australian share market higher for the week led by utilities, retailers, property and energy stocks. Reflecting the risk on tone bond yields, metal prices, oil prices and the $A all rose. The …

Science and medicine appear to be getting the upper hand of coronavirus – implications for investors | AMP Capital

Science and medicine appear to be getting the upper hand of coronavirus – implications for investors Key Points There are increasing signs that science and medicine are getting the upper hand against coronavirus: new global cases are in decline; vaccines are working; half the global population and 73% of Australians have had at least one vaccine dose; and there are more treatments for coronavirus. Key to watch will be whether hospitalisations in response to any …

The worry list for shares – how worrying are they? | AMP Capital

The worry list for shares – how worrying are they? Key Points It’s still too early to say that the pull back in share markets is over. Some of the worries around US fiscal policy and politics, China, global supply constraints and central banks likely have further to run and could see the correction go further. Historically the main driver of whether we see a correction or a mild bear market, as opposed to a …