Diversified funds’ performance – how did they do that?

Diversified funds’ performance – how did they do that? 12 July 2017 Comparing managed funds can be confusing because, contrary to current practices, evaluating performance is not all about returns – it’s also about how much risk you as the end investor took to get there. So how can you measure your fund’s level of risk? Below are four broad indicators to watch for: Exposure to growth assets – this is the most common method of …

Is that a driverless car in the next lane?

Is that a driverless car in the next lane? As technology forges ahead, we’re all but chasing after it. Life as we knew it in the 80s and 90s is now ancient history. Today, digital devices in Australia have made the way we communicate, socialise, work and behave just about unrecognisable. The fact is Aussies are so screen-obsessed that we’re walking and texting, talking and browsing, eating and researching, reading and driving—all at the same …

Five super terms that should be on your radar

  Five super terms that should be on your radar Confused by industry jargon? We help you make sense of it all… We want to empower you to take control of your finances and own your tomorrow. But we know it’s not always easy. The language of finance can be complex and confusing. Here we explain superannuation terms in everyday language. Superannuation guarantee (SG) The payments your employer makes into your super. All Australian employers …

Saving for that special something

Saving for that special something Most of us have things we want but not everyone can simply go out and buy them. Whether it’s a new car, an overseas trip or a deposit for your first home, that something special is achievable if you are realistic and put in place a disciplined savings program. Common questions to consider Some questions you may wish to consider include: Where does all my money go? How much should …

5 Small Life Changes that Can Boost Your Monetary Savings

5 Small Life Changes that Can Boost Your Monetary Savings Aristotle once quoted that excellence is not an act, but a habit. The quote of the famous Greek philosopher can also be applied to managing your personal finances. You significantly improve your financial position by making small changes in your habits. Don’t know which habits to change to attain greater financial freedom? Then read on as we detail 5 small changes in your life that …