How to make the most of investment and economic research

16 August 2017 How to make the most of investment and economic research In a world where people can be bombarded with information, AMP Capital Head of Investment Strategy and Chief Economist Shane Oliver recommends taking a strategic approach to investing. “If you are to be a successful investor you have to have an investment process,” says Oliver. The trick, he says, is cutting out the noise and sticking to the fundamentals. AMP Capital’s approach …

Six traits of Australians living the dream

Six traits of Australians living the dream Almost one in four Australians (23%) believe they are definitely or mostly ‘living the dream’, according to recent research from the Financial Planning Association.iHere are six traits that have helped them to achieve their dreams. 1. Strong personal habits Australians living the dream are family oriented, spending more quality time with their family during the week than the average Australian. And they’re five times more likely to meditate …

Bubbles mean trouble

16 August 2017 Bubbles mean trouble What is a bubble? AMP Capital Head of Investment Strategy and Chief Economist Shane Oliver puts it down to two main factors. “The first thing is a degree of over valuation. That is a situation where the price of an asset has diverged dramatically from the underlying fundamentals of the asset. Share prices have risen dramatically relative to earnings and dividends, or property prices have risen dramatically compared to …

Reduce your bills with these household items

Reduce your bills with these household items See what things you might have at home that could deliver you cost savings later on. We all enjoy the odd bargain and inexpensive label that delivers quality at a fraction of the price; however, sometimes shelling out a bit more up front can mean greater cost savings down the track. Check out these seven things that could provide you with financial benefits over the long term. 1. …

Money can buy you happiness – if you spend it right

Money can buy you happiness – if you spend it right At AMP’s recent Amplify program, high-profile Harvard Business professor and behavioural finance expert, Michael Norton, asked the crowded room a question. If you found $20 in the street today, how would you spend it to make yourself happiest?  Norton, whose TED Talk on money and happiness has attracted almost 3.5 million views, followed up with another question: Think of the last $20 you had …

Aussie equities still remain a good long-term bet

11 August 2017 Aussie equities still remain a good long-term bet Australian equities have been getting bad press with some investors warning they are significantly overvalued. The narrative goes that we’re in the midst of a housing bubble that will blow up and take the share market down with it. Like every story there are elements of truth to this, but if you silence the noise and take a long-term view – as most investors …

Why listed real estate faces Amazon-like disruption

Why listed real estate faces Amazon-like disruption Investors have recently focussed on the impact of Amazon’s plan to roll out its full retail offering in Australia on local retailers. But fewer investors have been considering the impact of Amazon-style disruption – and other global social trends – on real estate. Global listed real estate has been a lynchpin of investor and client portfolios, generating strong income yield and capital growth. But just as has happened …

Interest rates likely to remain on hold until economic growth improves

11 August 2017 Interest rates likely to remain on hold until economic growth improves There is little chance the Reserve Bank of Australia will hike interest rates in the next six months, even though property prices are at record highs in some markets, according to AMP Capital Head of Investment Strategy and Chief Economist Shane Oliver. “I can understand why people think maybe they should,” says Oliver. “But I think it’s a 2018 story, not …

Protecting your family from an inheritance nightmare

Protecting your family from an inheritance nightmare Estate planning is a topic that many people would rather not talk about too often, but it’s an important part of the entire financial planning process for anyone with responsibilities, whether they are family or business responsibilities. With the current rate of divorce and people living longer, the number of blended families in Australia is increasing and family life is becoming increasingly complex. The need for comprehensive estate …

How to create visibility on spending goals in retirement

How to create visibility on spending goals in retirement Retirees looking to develop a sustainable financial plan face a challenging technical problem. So it makes sense to simplify some of the inputs. Those of us who focus on the production of investment returns for retirees’ financial assets often choose to make simple assumptions about consumption patterns in retirement. However a more detailed understanding of priorities for spending in retirement can inform the design of appropriate …