Dividends explained

Dividends explained If you are a shareholder of a company, you may receive payments known as dividends. These payments represent your share of the company’s profits and are your reward for investing. Dividends may be a great way to boost your income and are often considered tax effective. Find out exactly how they work and how often you’ll get paid. Why and when companies pay dividends When a publicly listed company makes a profit, its …

5 Tips to Green Investing

5 Tips to Green Investing How to build environmental, social and governance factors into your investments The climate change debate has made it to the top of the news agenda, with many Australians now considering what they can do to help the environment. For some, this will include making changes to their finances in line with their environmental values. Whether it’s through super, investments or savings, more and more people are reviewing their financial arrangements …

Super investment options – what’s right for you?

Super investment options – what’s right for you? When it comes to superannuation, most funds offer a range of investment options. If there’s one thing certain in life it’s change. And generally your attitude towards saving and investing will change as you get older. How your super is invested when starting your first job may not be the right approach when you’re approaching retirement. Luckily you can change your investment options at any time and …

Boost savings with compound interest

Boost savings with compound interest If your goal is to save for the future, or perhaps start putting away for your children’s education – then unless you plan on putting your savings under your mattress, the sooner you start the better. That’s because you could be missing out on earning compound interest along the way that could make a stark difference to the overall amount you save. The difference between simple interest and compound interest …

Take control of your finances now for the new financial year.

Take control of your finances now for the new financial year. If you set yourself money goals at the start of 2019, the upcoming new financial year is a great time to check if you’re on track. And if you didn’t set any goals – or if you have strayed off track – this is the perfect time to get organised, write a checklist and stick with it! Don’t wait until 1 July to start. …

How to save money

How to save money Saving money doesn’t just happen, but these steps could help you to reach your saving goals sooner. How Australians save Research has found that almost three quarters of Australians surveyed save by putting spare money into a savings account, whether they do this themselves or via an automatic transfer. Other popular savings methods include keeping savings money in an account they can’t touch, building up extra savings in their transaction account …

Ways to invest your money

Ways to invest your money If you’re interested in seeing what your options are outside of investment property and super this article explores some of the different investment options available. Cash investments If you put your money into cash investments (including savings accounts and term deposits), the returns will often be lower in comparison to other investment products. However, these types of investment options typically provide stable, low-risk income in the form of a regular …

Investing for a rainy day: Key investment concepts you should understand

Investing for a rainy day: Key investment concepts you should understand Rather than saving for a rainy day, as the old saying goes, why not save and invest now to achieve your future financial goals? Here we look at some advice from leading financial planners on the key concepts that should inform your investment strategy. Chris Giaouris, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® professional, partner and principal advisor at Chronos Private in Melbourne likens having an investment strategy to going on …

To save or invest?

To save or invest? In today’s low interest rate environment, it’s hard to get ahead with your savings to buy a home or other personal goals. But if you don’t have much to lose is it too big a gamble to be investing your money instead? This article draws on expert advice from a planner about whether investing is a good option for making more from the money you have. We’ll talk about different strategies …

Don’t just invest for your children, invest with them

Don’t just invest for your children, invest with them Investing with your child can help them build a nest egg and improve their financial literacy. Gifting your child with a nest egg of investments is a wonderful idea, and will no doubt give them a kickstart into adulthood. But some experts say we may be approaching this incorrectly; we could be investing with our children, rather than for them, to give them not just money …