Where’s the best place to put your money?

Where’s the best place to put your money? When it comes to deciding between super and your home loan there’s a lot to consider. If you’re paying off your home loan but you also understand the value in building up your super, you may find yourself trying to balance your present needs with those you’ll have in your future. So how can you straddle the short and long terms and give yourself the best of …

Government pulls back on proposed changes to super

Government pulls back on proposed changes to super The government has announced changes to three key 2016 Federal Budget proposals—the most significant being that it would not go forward with its proposal to introduce a $500,000 lifetime cap on non-concessional (after-tax) super contributions. In a nutshell the new proposals include: From 1 July 2017, the existing annual cap of $180,000 on after-tax super contributions will be reduced to an annual cap of $100,000. The proposed …

Should you own the roof over your head?

Should you own the roof over your head? When it comes to the rent-versus-buy debate, like many of our clients you may be weighing up the pros and cons. You might be thinking that you’d love to buy a house but it all seems out of reach right now. Are you asking whether it’s still a good idea to invest in property at all? You’re not alone. In today’s housing market, many people are considering …

Government support in retirement

  Government support in retirement What is the Age Pension? The purpose of the Age Pension is to make sure you have enough income in retirement. It is a fortnightly payment made by the government to help you meet the cost of living, if your retirement savings are below a certain level….     Read More>>>   Download the free PDF file

Get ready for the first year of retirement

Get ready for the first year of retirement Will you be a honeymooner, a go-getter or a relaxer? The first year of retirement is one of transition in which you will need to adjust to major changes that can bring big rewards. Some of the changes may include; preparing mentally for the shift to not working full-time, adjusting to not getting a regular salary, ensuring your money can last for about 30 years and keeping …

Working to restore your balance

  Working to restore your balance In our fast-paced world, the desire for a better work/life balance is a common goal. It affects everyone from young professionals working long hours to get ahead, dual income households juggling inflexible jobs and children, and older workers wanting more time to help care for grandchildren or ease into retirement. While some people want to increase their working hours, the more common reason for pursuing work/life balance is to …

How can I make my dream home a reality?

  How can I make my dream home a reality? Only you can choose the best home for you. But finding a smart way to buy it will probably take some help. Just like engaging an architect to draw a blueprint of your dream home, you may like to consider speaking to a financial expert to help plan the best way to finance your new home. How expert advice can really help There are plenty …

How can property make me better off?

  How can property make me better off? If you’ve built up some equity over the years, it may be time to look at the options your property may give you. Here are four possibilities that could help you: You could buy an investment sooner. Borrowing against the value of your home—which is one way you can access your equity—may enable you to buy an investment sooner than if you had to save the money. …

Women are building financial intelligence

Women are building financial intelligence International Women’s Day on 8 March encourages us to aim for parity for women. On average, Australian women are paid 17.1% less than meni. They also tend to spend more time away from paid work to have children and care for loved ones which impacts their income, savings and superannuation. The good news is things are improving. Women are building financial intelligence. Women are closing the gap Women have come a …