Is my employer paying me the right super?

Is my employer paying me the right super? Billions of dollars in super contributions go unpaid every year. Here’s how you can find out if you’re getting paid what you’re owed and what you can do if you’re not. A while back, a mate of mine posted on social media that she was owed over $10,000 in super from a former employer, who had since shut up shop (money she may never see when she …

How can property make me better off?

  How can property make me better off? If you’ve built up some equity over the years, it may be time to look at the options your property may give you. Here are four possibilities that could help you: You could buy an investment sooner. Borrowing against the value of your home—which is one way you can access your equity—may enable you to buy an investment sooner than if you had to save the money. …