How to pick the top of the real estate market

How to pick the top of the real estate market Strong demand for the broader real estate segment is likely to help prices remain strong for at least another year as the aging population seeks regular annuity in a low interest rate environment, says Luke Dixon, AMP Capital Head of Head of Real Estate Research. “Real estate is still fairly priced,” Dixon says, a view informed by a detailed analysis published in the latest AMP …

Protecting your family from an inheritance nightmare

Protecting your family from an inheritance nightmare Estate planning is a topic that many people would rather not talk about too often, but it’s an important part of the entire financial planning process for anyone with responsibilities, whether they are family or business responsibilities. With the current rate of divorce and people living longer, the number of blended families in Australia is increasing and family life is becoming increasingly complex. The need for comprehensive estate …

How to create visibility on spending goals in retirement

How to create visibility on spending goals in retirement Retirees looking to develop a sustainable financial plan face a challenging technical problem. So it makes sense to simplify some of the inputs. Those of us who focus on the production of investment returns for retirees’ financial assets often choose to make simple assumptions about consumption patterns in retirement. However a more detailed understanding of priorities for spending in retirement can inform the design of appropriate …

Planning to avoid financial mistakes

Planning to avoid financial mistakes Selling shares when prices have tumbled or buying a house at the height of a property boom only to dispose of it when the market falls are among the financial set-backs that can happen to anyone on the road to retirement. Everyone makes mistakes during their investment lifetime; the trick is to avoid them when you can and learn from the ones you can’t. Have a plan Failing to plan …

Superannuation and the financial ties that bind

Superannuation and the financial ties that bind   They say, only one thing in life is certain.  And while we would rather plan our next holiday than consider what’s going to happen when we die, it is one inevitable event that we should all plan for. When someone dies, it’s a very difficult time for all the family.  A Will provides some assurances as to how our money will be distributed.  But what about superannuation?  …

Women need a plan for ‘early’ retirement

Women need a plan for ‘early’ retirement  We know women generally live longer than men, but new research shows the majority of Australian women are unlikely to work past the age of 65, making it more important than ever for them to take control of their finances early and plan appropriately for life after work. The latest AMP.NATSEM Report, Going the distance: Working longer, living healthier, has revealed the gender gap in the Australian workforce …

If you’re looking for a home loan, Financial Partners (TAS) is here to help. If it’s your first home, or if it’s time to renovate, refinance or invest, we’re here to help make it happen. Contact us now  03 6343 1007  Ask for Whitley. Why should you use a mortgage broker?  There are lots of good reasons why …….. We streamline the process.The first step is ………  Get started with our Free Guides

Four ways to make more retirement hay while the sun shines

Four ways to make more retirement hay while the sun shines The latest AMP.NATSEM report, Going the distance: Working longer, living healthier, has found that although the pension age may rise to 70 if the Government’s proposed legislation passes, many people in their 60s simply aren’t going to be healthy enough to work that long. The report found that in 2035 one in four men and one in five women aged 60-69 are expected to …

How can I safeguard my ability to pay off my home loan?

How can I safeguard my ability to pay off my home loan? It’s not unusual that life can be smooth sailing one minute and throw you a curveball the next. You might be hit with an injury or illness, a reduction in income or redundancy, a separation from your partner, or even a death in the family—all of which can be difficult, emotionally as well as financially. If you happen to owe money on your …

Is it better to buy an investment property or home first?

Is it better to buy an investment property or home first? There’s a lot to consider when making such an important purchase, especially for the first time. Have you been saving up for a long time and finally feel ready to get into the property market? Maybe you’re considering either buying a home to live in or investing in a property you can rent out. Either way, it’s worth knowing some more about both options …