What are “returns”?

What are “returns”?  You’ve heard people brag about the great “returns” they may be earning, but there is more than meets the eye when it comes to talking about returns. Just as the word suggests, returns are what comes back to you from your investments or savings. So if you’ve put money in the bank, your returns will include the interest you’ve earned over and above the money you invested. Total returns If you have successfully …

Where are we in the unlisted commercial property cycle?

Where are we in the unlisted commercial property cycle? Key points Australian unlisted commercial property returns have been very strong this decade thanks largely to the “search for attractive yield” by investors. This return driver is expected to start to fade but rising rents, particularly in the south-east office markets, will provide an offset keeping returns solid for now. Commercial property yields still offer a strong premium relative to bonds suggesting we are a long …

Is it better to buy an investment property or home first?

Is it better to buy an investment property or home first? There’s a lot to consider when making such an important purchase, especially for the first time. Have you been saving up for a long time and finally feel ready to get into the property market? Maybe you’re considering either buying a home to live in or investing in a property you can rent out. Either way, it’s worth knowing some more about both options …

Growing your wealth

Growing your wealth What is gearing? In simple terms, gearing is borrowing money to invest. The investment could be in direct shares or managed investments, such as an equity trust, balanced fund or property. Gearing is, in essence, directed towards producing a larger investment return by using borrowed funds, often in addition to your own funds, so that financial goals can be achieved more quickly. Gearing can be used as part of the overall investment …

Intergenerational wealth transfer

  Intergenerational wealth transfer Intergenerational wealth transfer – or in simpler terms, passing on assets to your family, can be, and often is, a huge issue for all family members concerned. If done well and executed properly, it can make a real difference to the financial position of the recipients. If misjudged or poorly handled, it can cause enormous grief, fights and resentments that are never forgotten nor forgiven. What’s involved? The first step you …

Investing in a holiday home

Investing in a holiday home Is it really your great Aussie dream? It happens every year. You’re strolling down the high street of your local beachside town enjoying a long hot summer with the family when a holiday home in the real estate agents’ window catches your eye. And you start thinking: “If we had our own place, we could go there all year ‘round and instead of contributing to someone else’s financial future we …

Your Money Your Future / ASPIRATIONS Newsletters

Your Money Your Future / ASPIRATIONS Newsletters Welcome to the latest edition of our client online newsletters, Our articles cover a range of topics which we hope you will find interesting. We aim to keep you informed of changes as they happen, but we also want to provide ideas to help you live the life you want – now and in the future. Our Latest Newsletter         Winter 2024   Newsletter Archives …

Investing in a holiday home

Investing in a holiday home       Is it really your great Aussie dream? Read more. It happens every year. You’re strolling down the high street of your local beachside town enjoying a long hot summer with the family when a holiday home in the real estate agents’ window catches your eye. And you start thinking: “If we had our own place, we could go there all year ‘round and instead of contributing to someone else’s …