Investors found the “sweet spot” in 2017

13 December 2017 Investors found the “sweet spot” in 2017 It was a good year for share market investors in 2017, particularly for those who overcame the fear of a potential market correction and maintained exposure to global listed markets. Looking back on share market and asset price performance generally, the combination of solid global growth and profits and yet low inflation and benign central banks created a “sweet spot” for investors in 2017. Investment …

Passive Investments Have Rewards and Risks Alike

07 September 2017 Passive Investments Have Rewards and Risks Alike Passive investments such as index funds and exchange traded funds (ETFs) provide cheap access to global stockmarkets, but AMP Capital’s Head of Investment Strategy and Chief Economist, Shane Oliver, says they create risks of their own. “Yes there is a positive to passive investing, it gives you the underlying exposure and the fees are low,” Oliver says, adding that “a lot of effort goes into …

Cryptocurrencies – Caution Needed

07 September 2017 Cryptocurrencies – Caution Needed Cryptocurrencies are generating a lot of interest from investors – helped in part by a near 2000 percent in the value of market leader – Bitcoin, but AMP Capital’s Shane Oliver is sitting on the fence.“No matter how many times its explained to me how it works I still struggle to completely understand it,” says Oliver, AMP Capital Head of Investment Strategy and Chief Economist. “One thing I …

Finding the winners from new technology

16 August 2017 Finding the winners from new technology A revolution happening in the energy industry and there will be winners (and losers). That’s the word according to AMP Capital Head of Investment Strategy and Chief Economist Shane Oliver. “The massive reduction in the cost of generating sustainable energy, together with energy that can be stored in batteries as battery technology evolves… is revolutionising things,” says Oliver. The rise and rise of sustainable energy sources …

Changes to super are coming into effect from July

Changes to super are coming into effect from July The clock is ticking and changes to the superannuation rules will come into effect on 1 July 2017. While the government will reduce the amount of money you can put into super from 1 July 2017, the good news is that you could still take advantage of opportunities before the financial year ends. See what you should be aware of and what the new laws could mean …

What to consider when investing in a low return world

What to consider when investing in a low return world Identifying market dislocations is something that requires investment expertise For some investors, volatility matters. When approaching retirement, volatility tends to matter more owing to sequencing risk. In the video below, we assess some considerations for investing in low return world. Share market volatility is expected to remain elevated Investment market volatility is essentially triggered by uncertainty around market fundamentals such as economic growth, earnings, dividends …