Five tax deductions to know about

Five tax deductions to know about You’re probably well aware you can claim a tax deduction for general work-related expenses. But did you know you may be able to claim if: 1. You take a course or study. You may be able to claim a portion of self-education expenses if it’s related to your ability to earn an income. 2. You travel to inspect your investment property. You may be able to claim for expenses …

What financial records do I need to keep?

What financial records do I need to keep? Ever feel like you’re drowning in a sea of paper? Tame the paperwork today and reap the rewards tomorrow. Life can be complicated enough without all the administrative paperwork that often accompanies it. This is particularly true when it comes to your personal finances. If stacks of old bank statements, utility bills, receipts, insurance and superannuation documents mean you can’t see the trees for the paper, de-clutter, …

Sending more to the tax office than you should?

Sending more to the tax office than you should? Can you keep more money for yourself and work towards being better off from 2017? As the year-end fast approaches, it’s a good time to think about how you can start working towards being better off. Before the end-of-year holidays start shifting into full swing and before you know it you’re splurging your hard-earned money, take a moment to think about whether you can give yourself …

The virtue of (salary) sacrifice

The virtue of (salary) sacrifice When you make a sacrifice, you’re usually giving something up with the expectation of future gain. Salary sacrificing into your super is no different—you’re giving up ready access to your money in your take-home pay. But in return you’re boosting your retirement savings and saving on tax. You can pay extra cash into your super from your pre-tax salary at the concessional 15% rate of tax1 —up to a limit …

Five money habits for a happy financial year

Five money habits for a happy financial year As you say goodbye to the 2015/16 financial year, it’s a good time to put new habits for success in place for the coming year. Here are our five tips to help you make a success of the coming year as you put your tax affairs in order and say goodbye to the 2015/16 financial year. 1. Set your goals Setting achievable goals and making a commitment …

Remember to factor in parental subsidies at tax time

Remember to factor in parental subsidies at tax time While you’re sorting your income and expenditure at tax time, make sure you know what you’re entitled to as a parent, carer or grandparent. When the cost of raising kids is ever-increasing, every little bit helps and a bigger tax return is generally welcome. These days just sending a child to school comes with mounting costs, regardless of the type of school they go to. It’s …

Act quickly before June 30

Act quickly before June 30 – to reap the benefits The recent Budget announcements could reduce your ability to contribute to super and its associated tax benefits. This time next year, new laws may have passed as a result of the recent Budget announcements. That means, super will more than likely be a different environment than it is today. The bottom line is you may not have the tax advantages or financial opportunities that are …

Important Closing of the Financial Year Money Moves

Important Closing of the Financial Year Money Moves There are two times in a year when there is great scope of hope and upcoming expectations. One is the start of the year and the other is the end of the year. The start of the year is the beginning of a new chapter, while the end of the year is a time to look back at the end of a chapter and hope the one …

EOFY (End of Financial Year) Tips

EOFY (End of Financial Year) Tips Act before 30 June! There are strategies to help you pay less tax this year but you’ll need to get started before 30 June. Explore the tabs below to find out how to keep more of your money with our EOFY (End of Financial Year) Tips.   Keep more in your hand this financial year With the financial year-end fast approaching, now’s the time to think about how you …