Keeping tabs on your super investments

Keeping tabs on your super investments It’s important to get your investment strategy right with super. Keeping tabs on your super investments. Reviewing your portfolio regularly and getting advice can make all the difference to your savings and income for retirement. We talked to CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER®professional Matt Torney from Muirfield Financial Services about how to make sure you’re taking the right approach with your super investments. What sort of questions can help you determine your …

Why real estate can deliver solid returns through different cycles

Commercial real estate is a unique asset class that acts and performs differently from other investment classes.

When is the right time to downsize?

When is the right time to downsize? Downsizing from a larger family home to somewhere smaller can be an obvious choice when retirement is on the cards.  For others it’s a necessity and something they do reluctantly. So when it comes to timing your decision, what’s the right approach to getting the best outcome for you and your finances? When is the right time to downsize? We talked to CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® professional Anne Graham, principal …

The US economy – does the flattening yield curve indicate recession is imminent?

The US economy – does the flattening yield curve indicate recession is imminent? Key points If you are worried about a major bear market, the US economy is the key to watch. While traditional measures of the US yield curve have flattened sending warning signs about future growth, it has given false signals in the past, is still positive and other versions of the yield curve point to rising growth. Moreover, apart from very low …

Balancing career, family and time (Video)

Balancing career, family and time (Video) Australians who are living their dream are planners. They believe in their ability to create the life they want and they are not afraid to ask for help or seek advice. Balancing career, family and time …. Here Christina and Richard Taylor explain how meeting a financial planner opened their mind to new possibilities for their careers, family and love for travel.  If you have a question you’d like answered …

Global trade wars could escalate

Global trade wars could escalate AMP Capital Chief Economist Shane Oliver has warned that the global trade war could escalate, triggering further short-term investment volatility, but will ultimately be resolved through a negotiated settlement. Oliver says the trade war issue is going to be with us for some time to come. “There is a risk here,” he says. “There is continued talk of escalation and retaliation, more tariffs on China potentially, and talk of tariffs …

Is it better to buy an investment property or home first?

Is it better to buy an investment property or home first? There’s a lot to consider when buying an investment property or home, especially for the first time. Have you been saving for a long time and feel ready to get into the property market? Maybe you’re considering buying a home to live in or investing in a property you can rent out to somebody else. Either way, it’s worth knowing some more about both …

Advice for the sandwich generation

Advice for the sandwich generation Many people approaching retirement with elderly parents and adult children are feeling the pressure on their time and finances. Find out why it’s important to put your own wellbeing first. Thanks to the twin trends of growing life expectancy and rising house prices, more and more people are finding themselves joining the ranks of the sandwich generation. Recent estimates put the number of Australians in the sandwich generation at more …

So you’re… starting a family

So you’re… starting a family Starting a family will bring you plenty of joy, but it will also create many challenges. In addition to possible sleepless nights and changes in your lifestyle, it could also affect you financially. First, there are the costs of raising a child. Research published by the Australian Institute of Family studies in April found the minimum weekly cost of one child in unemployed and low-income families ranges from $140 to $170 a …

Weekly Market Update 13 July 2018

Weekly Market Update 13 July 2018  Investment markets and key developments over the past week There was plenty of volatility this week as equities initially got hit following more detail from the US around additional tariffs on Chinese imports. The announcement actually contained nothing new, as Trump said in late June that the US would look to impose an additional 10% tariff on $200 billion of Chinese imports if China was to retaliate against US trade tariffs (which …