10 money conversations to have when your relationship’s heating up

10 money conversations to have when your relationship’s heating up It’s probably not the sexiest thing the two of you have on the to-do list but putting it off could see you butting heads. Whether or not money issues got in the way of past relationships, you may be thinking, there’s no way you’re going to pull back on that long passionate kiss you might get after work today to drop the f bomb (I’m …

Tech in the 2020s: what’s on the cards in the decade ahead? | AMP Capital

Tech in the 2020s: what’s on the cards in the decade ahead? As we begin a new decade, one thing is undeniable: technology bears a far greater influence on our daily lives and investment portfolios than it ever has. The impact has been so spectacular that the dispersion between companies, individuals, and investors embracing technology and those who haven’t has never been wider. It is unsurprising therefore that understanding where we are in this cycle, …

A modern-day myth exposed: multi-tasking

A modern-day myth exposed: multi-tasking If you have little faith in your ability to do more than one thing at a time, science reveals you’re onto something. Cognitive behavioural researchers shine a light on our inability to multi-task. We simply cannot perform multiple tasks with the same level of skill as when performing one task at a time.i The old adage that women are better at multi-tasking may after all be untrue—or more accurately reflect …