Tech in the 2020s: what’s on the cards in the decade ahead? | AMP Capital

Tech in the 2020s: what’s on the cards in the decade ahead?

As we begin a new decade, one thing is undeniable: technology bears a far greater influence on our daily lives and investment portfolios than it ever has.

The impact has been so spectacular that the dispersion between companies, individuals, and investors embracing technology and those who haven’t has never been wider. It is unsurprising therefore that understanding where we are in this cycle, and how best to navigate it, dominates company boardrooms and investment forums alike.

In this feature-length report, we review the technology landscape from multiple angles. From a top-down perspective, we find that technology’s influence will likely be even greater this decade in relation to areas such as how we work and our ability to tackle climate change, versus the 10 years just passed.

Industries such as healthcare and education are set to be some of the most transformed by technology, having been among the slowest to ride the adoption curve thus far. On the other hand, we find that some trends are already beginning to mature, while a number of companies will face increasing scrutiny from regulation and growth may succumb to the gravitational pull of the law of large numbers.

With the economic and market cycle already in its tenth year of expansion, and indexes increasingly dictated by a few large companies, we believe continuing to deliver strong risk-adjusted returns will not only require a more targeted approach, but also differentiated holdings.

Some of the most attractive ways to invest in the next 10 years are likely to be found in specific technologies, profit pools, and industry verticals that are generally less well understood – but wheren many of the strongest competitive advantages and structural growth stories are to be found. All this considered, individual company fundamentals matter more than ever before.

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Original Author: Produced by AMP Capital and published on 19/03/2020 Source