Achieving a comfortable retirement

  Achieving a comfortable retirement Many women dream of a retirement where they can kick back and relax, do whatever they like and be free from the demands of others – actually focusing on caring for themselves. But this step often means being free from financial worries or concerns and for a large proportion of women, the prospect of a comfortable retirement can seem elusive. Especially when you do the sums. The latest Intergenerational Report …

Like to work overseas?

Like to work overseas? Here are some things to consider before making an international move. When it comes to working overseas the options can be endless. You may be considering teaching English in Italy or taking a job that’s very similar to the one you’re doing now, only in New York City! Earn more than just money Where ever you’re planning to go, you could find there’s more to be gained by working overseas than …

Things you need to know about personal insurance

  Things you need to know about personal insurance Personal insurance premiums have increased significantly over the past 18 months, running the risk that cost-conscious consumers might consider cutting back their cover. Suddenly those quick, off-the-shelf insurance products advertised on TV look enticing. But simple is not always cheaper, the cover may be inadequate or, worse still, may not pay out when you need it most. Underinsurance Personal insurance is a general terms for term …

Super in a nutshell

Super in a nutshell If your super’s in the too-hard basket, read on so you can take control and make the most of your money. The Australian superannuation system comprises money from working and retired Australians. All up, it’s projected to total $8 trillion by 2033[1] and some of that is likely to be your money. If you take an interest in your super today, you may have more in your hand down the track. …

Should I take my super as a lump sum or not?

Should I take my super as a lump sum or not? When it comes to accessing your super, it’s important you make the right choice. You’ve spent your working life accumulating super. So when the time comes, are you better off taking a lump sum, regular income or both? Let’s weigh up the alternatives so you can start to consider what may be best for you. So should I take my super as a lump …

How to keep SMILE-ing in retirement

How to keep SMILE-ing in retirement If you’re crunching the numbers to work out how much you need in retirement, it’s time to sit down and take a deep breath… The latest Retirement Standard from the Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia estimates that people retiring today, who are in good health and own their own home outright, will need $430,000 if single and $510,000 for a couple to maintain a comfortable standard of living …

4 ways to make more retirement hay while the sun shines

4 ways to make more retirement hay while the sun shines The latest AMP.NATSEM report, Going the distance: Working longer, living healthier, has found that although the pension age may rise to 70 if the Government’s proposed legislation passes, many people in their 60s simply aren’t going to be healthy enough to work that long. The report found that in 2035 one in four men and one in five women aged 60-69 are expected to …

How can you give your kids money smarts?

How can you give your kids money smarts? Children learn a lot from their parents when it comes to money—arm yours for financial success. When it comes to money, your own behaviour and attitudes can strongly influence your kids.  Help your kids to be money smart by demonstrating positive money habits and teaching them valuable lessons as they grow older. Teaching money smarts Money management has always been important for children to learn about, especially …

Living longer, working longer and super balances larger

Living longer, working longer and super balances larger  Australians with the best life expectancy in history will have to work longer in order to be able to fund their retirement. But new research has found only half of all working Australians will be healthy enough to work in to their golden years. The latest AMP.NATSEM report, Going the distance: Working longer, living healthier, has found the majority of Australians have less than a 50 per …

Money Management Articles

Money Management Articles Money Management is Australia’s leading source of technical information and practical assistance for the financial services sector. Written by the industry’s leading technical specialists, The Money Management magazine is relied upon by a wide range of financial services professionals, ranging from accountants to financial planners. Its authoritative technical guides and tools cover a broad range of personal finance topics, including taxation, investment management and superannuation and retirement planning.   Neither FinancialPartners (Tas) …