Weekly Market Update 13 July 2018

Weekly Market Update 13 July 2018  Investment markets and key developments over the past week There was plenty of volatility this week as equities initially got hit following more detail from the US around additional tariffs on Chinese imports. The announcement actually contained nothing new, as Trump said in late June that the US would look to impose an additional 10% tariff on $200 billion of Chinese imports if China was to retaliate against US trade tariffs (which …

EOFY super returns: how have markets fared?

EOFY super returns: how have markets fared? The last financial year has been a strong period for super fund portfolios. Equity markets posted solid gains both in Australia and offshore, up 13.7% and 15.4% respectively. Returns were also positive across other asset classes such as direct property and infrastructure, and bond returns, although modest, were much stronger than the previous year. Overall, global growth conditions helped to drive earnings and although the US Fed continued …

How global trends are creating infrastructure opportunities

How global trends are creating infrastructure opportunities The rise of emerging Asian economies, climate change, technological disruption and the ageing demographic, are among trends creating massive opportunities for investors. Understanding these trends is key to getting involved. The Asian Century The middle class in China has expanded enormously in recent years. As much as 75 percent of China’s population is expected to be classified as middle class in 2022, up from just 4 percent in …

Weekly Market Update 8 June 2018

Weekly Market Update 8 June 2018 Investment markets and key developments over the past week The past week saw share markets rebound as investors refocussed a bit away from the geopolitical soap operas back to favourable underlying global growth. This saw major share markets rebound, although Eurozone shares were constrained by ongoing weakness in Italian shares, and bond yields rise which was accentuated by indications that the ECB is getting closer to phasing out its …

Weekly Market Update 1 June 2018

Weekly Market Update 1 June 2018 Investment markets and key developments over the past week The past week saw financial markets dominated yet again by geopolitical developments with first the turmoil in Italy and then US trade announcements rattling share markets with most falling and driving down bond yields (except in Italy of course) as investors sought safe havens. Commodity prices were mixed with copper up slightly but oil and iron ore down. Despite the volatility …

Weekly Market Update 11 May 2018

Weekly Market Update 11 May 2018 Investment markets and key developments over the past week Global share markets rose over the last week helped by another Goldilocks combination of good economic data, strong profits and benign US inflation. This was despite the US withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal which pushed up oil prices. For the week, US shares rose 2.4%, Eurozone shares gained 0.7%, Japanese shares rose 1.3% and Chinese shares rose 4%. The positive …

Weekly Market Update 4 May 2018

Weekly Market Update 4 May 2018 Investment markets and key developments over the past week Despite a 1.3% rally on Friday after another “Goldilocks” jobs report US shares fell 0.2% over the last week, but other share markets fared better over the week with Japanese shares flat, Eurozone shares up 0.9%, Chinese shares up 0.5% and Australian shares up 1.8%. Bond yields were flat to down. The oil price rose to its highest in 3 …

Why passive investing now won’t deliver all your goals

Why passive investing now won’t deliver all your goals Passive investment funds used to be a relatively obscure part of the market. But with their popularity soaring in recent years, many investors might now be sceptical about paying for active investment. Market performance over recent years would reinforce that scepticism. Holding a passive mix of mainstream assets has performed very well over the last 5 years. For example, an investor who suffers a permanent 25% …

5 ways to keep a cool head in a falling share market

5 ways to keep a cool head in a falling share market Despite concern, falling share prices are not necessarily a sign of a mild or major bear market situation, according to Dr Shane Oliver. The share market correction many people are talking about at the moment is causing concern for a number of investors, including those accumulating super and drawing money from their super savings, which is understandable given the rapid falls we’ve seen …

Volatility could present buying opportunities in 2018

Volatility could present buying opportunities in 2018 Volatility and the first meaningful lift in inflation coming from the United States will likely be the main differentiating features in global financial markets in 2018 compared to this year, according to Dr Shane Oliver, AMP Capital’s Head of Investment Strategy and Chief Economist. The dips in share markets experts anticipated in 2017 are more likely to materialise in the new year, Oliver notes. But with global growth …