Could you own a chunk of $15 billion[1] and not know it yet?

Could you own a chunk of $15 billion[1] and not know it yet? With millions of super accounts waiting for their owners, it’s easy to reclaim your money. Few people would be willing to turn their backs on thousands of hard-earned dollars. Yet when it comes to super money, many people have thousands of missing dollars they don’t know about. More accounts, less money It’s easy for super to get lost. Most of us have …

Achieving a comfortable retirement

  Achieving a comfortable retirement Many women dream of a retirement where they can kick back and relax, do whatever they like and be free from the demands of others – actually focusing on caring for themselves. But this step often means being free from financial worries or concerns and for a large proportion of women, the prospect of a comfortable retirement can seem elusive. Especially when you do the sums. The latest Intergenerational Report …

Super in a nutshell

Super in a nutshell If your super’s in the too-hard basket, read on so you can take control and make the most of your money. The Australian superannuation system comprises money from working and retired Australians. All up, it’s projected to total $8 trillion by 2033[1] and some of that is likely to be your money. If you take an interest in your super today, you may have more in your hand down the track. …

Should I take my super as a lump sum or not?

Should I take my super as a lump sum or not? When it comes to accessing your super, it’s important you make the right choice. You’ve spent your working life accumulating super. So when the time comes, are you better off taking a lump sum, regular income or both? Let’s weigh up the alternatives so you can start to consider what may be best for you. So should I take my super as a lump …

How to make the transition to retirement smooth for you and your partner

How to make the transition to retirement smooth for you and your partner Couples don’t always agree on everything, including retirement. If the time comes for you to retire and your partner is still working—or vice versa—it’s a matter of anticipating the natural changes ahead and then balancing and planning so both your needs can be met. Understanding differences The age you retire may depend on the work you do, your employment arrangements, your health …

4 ways to make more retirement hay while the sun shines

4 ways to make more retirement hay while the sun shines The latest AMP.NATSEM report, Going the distance: Working longer, living healthier, has found that although the pension age may rise to 70 if the Government’s proposed legislation passes, many people in their 60s simply aren’t going to be healthy enough to work that long. The report found that in 2035 one in four men and one in five women aged 60-69 are expected to …

Living longer, working longer and super balances larger

Living longer, working longer and super balances larger  Australians with the best life expectancy in history will have to work longer in order to be able to fund their retirement. But new research has found only half of all working Australians will be healthy enough to work in to their golden years. The latest AMP.NATSEM report, Going the distance: Working longer, living healthier, has found the majority of Australians have less than a 50 per …

EOFY (End of Financial Year) Tips

EOFY (End of Financial Year) Tips Act before 30 June! There are strategies to help you pay less tax this year but you’ll need to get started before 30 June. Explore the tabs below to find out how to keep more of your money with our EOFY (End of Financial Year) Tips.   Keep more in your hand this financial year With the financial year-end fast approaching, now’s the time to think about how you …

Should I take my super as a lump sum or not?

Should I take my super as a lump sum or not? When it comes to accessing your super, it’s important you make the right choice. You’ve spent your working life accumulating super. So when the time comes, are you better off taking a lump sum, regular income or both? Let’s weigh up the alternatives so you can start to consider what may be best for you. Taking a lump sum If your super has been …

Want to grow your nest egg faster?

Want to grow your nest egg faster? How salary sacrifice can help you save tax and boost your super.   We’ve all heard of salary sacrifice—but what does it mean when it comes to your super? It means contributing extra to your super, on top of what your employer already does, in before-tax dollars. Salary sacrifice payments—classified as concessional contributions because a lower tax rate applies—enable you to keep more of your money so your …