How to save money

How to save money Saving money doesn’t just happen, but these steps could help you to reach your saving goals sooner. How Australians save Research has found that almost three quarters of Australians surveyed save by putting spare money into a savings account, whether they do this themselves or via an automatic transfer. Other popular savings methods include keeping savings money in an account they can’t touch, building up extra savings in their transaction account …

What kind of money parent are you?

What kind of money parent are you? Many parents approach the topic of money differently, but could your way of doing things influence your kids’ success? The majority of Aussie mums and dads recognise that they’re accountable when it comes to shaping their children’s perspective around money matters. A recent report published by the Financial Planning Association of Australia (FPA), revealed parents listed themselves (95%), followed by grandparents (63%) and teachers or coaches (59%) as …

6 steps to get your money stuff together

6 steps to get your money stuff together If you’re like three out of four Australians, you may have started the year without a proper budget.i Research indicates that over a third of us believe budgeting is too much effort and almost one in five Aussies say budgeting takes too much time.i Here are some easy wins to keep you on the right track for 2019 1. Work out your goals If you don’t know …

To save or invest?

To save or invest? In today’s low interest rate environment, it’s hard to get ahead with your savings to buy a home or other personal goals. But if you don’t have much to lose is it too big a gamble to be investing your money instead? This article draws on expert advice from a planner about whether investing is a good option for making more from the money you have. We’ll talk about different strategies …

How close are we to a cashless society?

How close are we to a cashless society? With tap and go payments becoming ever more popular and the advent of instant transfers between domestic bank accounts, how much longer will we be using cash as a form of payment?  Find out more about when we can expect Australia to go completely cashless and what it means for us, as business owners and consumers. Got any cash on you? According to recent survey results produced …

Don’t just invest for your children, invest with them

Don’t just invest for your children, invest with them Investing with your child can help them build a nest egg and improve their financial literacy. Gifting your child with a nest egg of investments is a wonderful idea, and will no doubt give them a kickstart into adulthood. But some experts say we may be approaching this incorrectly; we could be investing with our children, rather than for them, to give them not just money …

Taking your first step towards financial freedom (video)

Taking your first step towards financial freedom (video)  You might think that financial planners solve money problems. Financial planning is about so much more than this. It’s about bringing your dreams to life, identifying your life goals, hopes and dreams – and putting in place a financial plan to get you there. Here, Jen explains how meeting a financial adviser made her feel like she had taken the first steps to future financial stability …

Five ways money can wreck your relationship

Five ways money can wreck your relationship Although women are often portrayed in television and film as “shopaholics” – for example spending thousands of dollars on shoes – in reality it is more likely for women in relationships to be the conservatives and the men the risk takers, says Kane Jiang, managing director at AA Financial Planning in Perth. “From a financial planner’s perspective,” Jiang says that couples often argue due to their “different risk …

Money mistakes you make in your 20s

Money mistakes you make in your 20s Which of these rookie errors sound all too familiar when it comes to you and your squad? In your 20s, you might be saving for a plane ticket to go somewhere, a new car, your own pad, or just trying to keep your wardrobe up-to-date while still having enough cash left over for Saturday night. As you mull that over, give some thought to how what you spend …

Under 40 and broke: Why young people need financial advice more than ever

Under 40 and broke: Why young people need financial advice more than ever With increasing debt and falling home ownership among the under 40s, their financial prospects are less than rosy.  If this trend is set to continue, young people are going to be needing financial advice more than ever to help them make the best choices for a secure future. There’s been a lot of talk in recent years about how much better off …