Under 40 and broke: Why young people need financial advice more than ever

Under 40 and broke: Why young people need financial advice more than ever With increasing debt and falling home ownership among the under 40s, their financial prospects are less than rosy.  If this trend is set to continue, young people are going to be needing financial advice more than ever to help them make the best choices for a secure future. There’s been a lot of talk in recent years about how much better off …

Minimal vs FOMO: what are young people really up to with their money?

Minimal vs FOMO: what are young people really up to with their money? The spending habits of our younger generation show that experiences mean more to them than buying stuff. So are they better at managing money than their Boomer or Gen X parents? Or is FOMO leading them into the dangers of growing debt? Find out more about money habits of millenials. For some years, retail businesses have been in a tailspin about the …

Young and broke? There’s another way

Young and broke? There’s another way When you’re young it can seem like you’ll always be living from paycheck to paycheck with nothing left for the good things in life. According to guest contributor, James Trethewie Financial Planner AFP®, making a few changes to your money habits and attitude can make all the difference to your lifestyle, now and in the future. 1. Do away with debts If you’re not great at sticking to a …