Hats off to working parents!

Hats off to working parents! Research into skilled workers shows that working parents are more productive employees. According to the Australian Institute of Family Studies, the number of parents who work is far greater than a few decades ago. Not so long ago in 1983, the number of parents who both worked full time was just 17%. The most recent Australian Census shows that in 2009 it had increased to 25%[1]. Given that Australia is …

Will my kids ever leave home?

Will my kids ever leave home? These days it can be natural for kids to stay at home until adulthood—our 7 tips can help ensure your own goals don’t pay the price. If you were expecting to have the house to yourself once your kids reached a certain age, you may have to adjust your expectations. Because for Generation Y—or millennials as they’re often called—moving out is not the rite-of-passage it once was. In 2011, …

What happens if I let my insurance lapse?

What happens if I let my insurance lapse? Like many Australians you may be wondering if your cover can adapt to your needs. If you let your insurance lapse, you risk being unable to make a claim when you may really need to. Take a look at our claims statistics below and you’ll see that, more often than not, it’s our older customers who understand first-hand the true value of their insurance. Life claims by …

Is your growing family stretching your budget?

Is your growing family stretching your budget? Here are seven tips to help you stay on top of your finances as your family grows. Growing your family can be one of life’s greatest joys, but if you already have one or two children, you’ll understand that raising kids can be costly. To cope financially with having more kids you’ll need to balance your income with the increasing expenses. Take a long-term view When you understand …

Six tips for becoming a senior entrepreneur

Six tips for becoming a senior entrepreneur Retirement is not a destination, it’s another stage in life’s journey—and that’s never been truer than today, as many over-50s are rejecting the quiet life and starting their own businesses. Do you want to do the same? Groups such as Elderberry, SeniorPreneurs Foundation, The Seniorpreneurs Network, National Seniors and OverSixty have sprung up to help you get started and connect with others on the same path. “You have …

7 tips on how to retire early

7 tips on how to retire early Are you dreaming about early retirement, but unsure how to go about it? You might be surprised to learn that Aussies are retiring earlier, with 25% of men retiring before age 55 and 50% retiring between 55 to 64 years. For women, the figures are higher, with 55% stopping work before they reach 55 and 36% retiring between the ages of 55 and 64 years1. But while these …

Flying solo? You aren’t alone.

  Flying solo? You aren’t alone. Have you ever gone to the theatre alone? Dined out at nice restaurant at a table for one? Travelled overseas solo? Society tells us these types of activities can only be enjoyed with a friend or companion. But one in 4 Australian’s currently live alone[1] and this figure has been rising steadily for over 60 years – going from 8% in 1946 to 24% in 2011. So can we …

Getting more done with fewer interruptions

Getting more done with fewer interruptions Learn how multi-tasking affects your productivity, and not in the positive ways you might think.  So you think you’re pretty good at multi-tasking? Well, research[1] tells us we’re not – in fact we’re awful at it! And, according to Dr Julia Irwin, Senior Lecturer in Psychology at Macquarie University who specialises in cognitive behaviour, we can’t perform multiple tasks with the same level of skill as when we perform …

Diversifying inside super

Diversifying inside super Find out what it is, how it works and why it matters to you What is diversification? Diversification is a risk strategy that lets you ride the ups and downs of investing. It reduces your exposure to risk, so your investments won’t be as affected by fluctuations in markets. How do you diversify? Investment diversification can be achieved by choosing a mix of: asset classes (cash, fixed interest, bonds, property and shares) …

5 ways to make your life more simple

  5 ways to make your life more simple Time passes by so quickly that sometimes before we can cross the first item off our to-do list we’ve already added another. Here are some easy steps you can take to help simplify your life. If managing life’s everyday complexities only seem achievable when you’re daydreaming about the chef, cleaner, personal assistant or nanny that you don’t have, you’re probably not alone. And, if ‘turbulent’ is …