Borrowing money: When and how to do it right

Borrowing money: When and how to do it right We all know getting into debt isn’t really desirable. So are there times when borrowing is justified? And what’s the best approach to keeping repayments within reasonable limits? We spoke to CFP® Sandy Hopps  to get expert advice on smart ways to borrow money. Recent reports and statistics show we’re no strangers to debt in Australia. According to OECD data from 2015, Australia is 4th in the world …

What tap-and-go means for our teens

What tap-and-go means for our teens A survey of 1100 high school students suggests many are confused about how credit cards work. Are new technologies making it harder for young people to understand what money management is all about? And what can we do about it? Understanding what happens when you spend money on your credit card seems to be something of a blind spot for young people living in the 21st century. When asked how …

Beware of money envy

Beware of money envy  We might think that having more money will solve our problems. But by spending less time and energy sizing up our situation against how others live, we can get clear on the goals that matter and take steps towards a better financial future. Stealing happiness According to Theodore Roosevelt, “comparison is the thief of joy.” And although he served the USA as president at a time when movies had only just …

Is this your year to retire?

Is this your year to retire? If you’ve got retirement in your sights this year, we’ve got the ultimate checklist to help you retire in style. Discover how to prepare for this exciting new chapter in your life, safe in the knowledge that your finances will be taking care of you. 1. Explore your goals and make plans Enjoying retirement to the full isn’t just a matter of money. It’s just as important to have …

What are “returns”?

What are “returns”?  You’ve heard people brag about the great “returns” they may be earning, but there is more than meets the eye when it comes to talking about returns. Just as the word suggests, returns are what comes back to you from your investments or savings. So if you’ve put money in the bank, your returns will include the interest you’ve earned over and above the money you invested. Total returns If you have successfully …

Can I put money into super when I’m 65 or over?

Can I put money into super when I’m 65 or over? If it’s a voluntary contribution, you’ll need to have worked for at least 40 hours within a 30-day period under work test requirements. If you’re 65 or over, you can continue to build your superannuation with compulsory employer contributions (such as Super Guarantee contributions your employer pays where you are eligible). However, if you’re making voluntary contributions, which you may do through salary sacrifice (which is …

Splurge or save?

Splurge or save? We all have luxuries that tempt us to spend more and things we wouldn’t dream of shelling out for. We asked the Money & Life team to spill the beans about what they splurge and save on in their budget. Lauren Bolton – Marketing Manager Splurge – Holidays Abroad I always look forward to my holidays and travelling in style is a real treat for me. I don’t have a family yet, …

The blended family balancing act

The blended family balancing act When one family becomes two – or more – financial stress can multiply too. Get expert tips from CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® professional Fran Hughes about how blended families can work together on a straightforward and fair approach to managing money. Whatever your marital status, your 40s can be a challenging time financially. Growing kids are costing more, especially if you have to factor in school fees. And on the other side of the equation, …

5 tips to save money at university

5 tips to save money at university Back at uni? Do away with the poor student clichés with these money making and money saving tips. Students aren’t exactly known for rolling in cash, but by following these simple tips to save money at university you can make the most of what you’ve got. 1. Get a part-time job This might seem obvious, but part-time jobs aren’t what they used to be. Sure, you could take on regular …

Putting yourself first when planning for retirement

Putting yourself first when planning for retirement You know when you’re on a plane about to take off and the cabin crew is demonstrating the safety procedures? They always say affix your own oxygen mask before trying to help anybody else attach theirs – children included. Research from the National Seniors Survey for 2017 has found that it is no longer a priority for many older Australians to leave an inheritance for their kids. With growing concerns …