5 Yesteryear Ways To Save Money

5 Yesteryear Ways To Save Money When it comes to the world of fashion it’s a popular saying that if anything goes out of fashion in your wardrobe keep it in your wardrobe for a long time and it comes back in fashion. Does the same apply in other parts of life as well? It certainly seems so. In terms of saving money, you might have read tens of blog telling you new ways to …

4 Things You Wouldn’t Think You Need to Budget For, but Need to Do

4 Things You Wouldn’t Think You Need to Budget For, but Need to Do Most people that start a budget tend to overlook some important things such as repairs when making a budget. When the need for a repair arises, they have to take money out of their savings or take money out from other areas of the budget such as money allocated for food. In doing so, it may ruin their finances. Our advice …

10 tips for success in a competitive job market

 10 tips for success in a competitive job market   AMP.NATSEM report highlights challenges for young Australians starting their careers  If you’re finding it hard to get started in your chosen career—or your kids are doing it tough—you’re not alone. Many other young Australians are in the same boat, with a high proportion of young people working in part-time hospitality and retail jobs, even when they have uni degrees. The latest AMP.NATSEM report[1] shows that …

3 Reasons For Your Credit Card Application To Be Rejected

3 Reasons For Your Credit Card Application To Be Rejected When you go into a bank and want to apply for a credit card, the reason for your application can be very different to someone else. Some people might want it just for the first time to enter the world of credit, while others may simply want to widen their already present credit card range. Irrespective of why you apply, it is perhaps safe to …

How to Give Saver’s Block the Boot

How to Give Saver’s Block the Boot Are you suffering from saver’s block? If you don’t know if you are or not, we will list two of the most common symptoms associated with saver’s block. Lack of ideas or never ending to-do lists are two symptoms that lead to saver’s block. The most prominent sign that you have saver’s block is that you lack the ability to save money. Money, at this point, is not …

What Can You Do When Your Partner Refuses to Save Money?

What Can You Do When Your Partner Refuses to Save Money? Are you the responsible one in the family? Do you wish your significant other was just like you when it came to saving money? Unfortunately, you cannot have everything in life that you wished for. If your partner is bad with money and you are tired of telling him or her to straighten out their act, it’s time that you take the matter into …

5 Reasons Why You Are Still Stuck Knee- Deep in Credit Card Debt

5 Reasons Why You Are Still Stuck Knee- Deep in Credit Card Debt With the credit card bills piling up, you know you have created a ditch for yourself unwillingly. The events that led you to this point are a blur, mostly because you may not be willing to admit your mistakes. When someone point blankly tells you where you are going wrong, it dawns on you that it may be time to fix the …

4 Cures that help you have a Money Packed Purse

4 Cures that help you have a Money Packed Purse What gets the tongues rolling and the cash counters ringing? The answer to this question is money. If someone ever wrote a memoir of the single most important thing to man, the book could be titled Money. Some people believe money is the single most important factor in trade, lifestyles, and even relations. Thus if you ask someone what they want to have for a …

5 Golden Money Management Rules that Everyone Should Know!

5 Golden Money Management Rules that Everyone Should Know! Show your money who is the boss by ensuring that it remains your loyal slave instead of the other way around. And a good way to do that is to manage your money wisely. There are certain cardinal money management rules that if followed could result in improvement in your financial life. Here we present to you 5 golden rules that will empower you to take …

4 Bogus Myths about Money Revealed!

4 Bogus Myths about Money Revealed! Myth 1: You Should Invest in Gold to Build your Wealth. Some financial experts tout the benefits of gold in building your wealth. The reality, however, is that investing in gold is not the best financial avenue to grow your wealth. Gold’s ability lies in its store of value. It acts as a great financial instrument to protect your long-terms savings against the dual effects of inflation and loss …