Changes to super contribution rules for over 65s

Changes to super contribution rules for over 65s The Federal Government has updated superannuation laws to allow older Australians to contribute to their super for longer. Work test to apply from age 67 The government has increased the age up to which super contributions can be made without having to meet a work test from 65 to 67. The work test requires you to be in paid work for a minimum of 40 hours in …

Role-reversal: When parents are relying on you | Money & Life

Role-reversal: When parents are relying on you As your parents get older, your whole family will be facing lots of changes. Supporting them during this time can be challenging, with lots of choices to be made. Get some tips to help you prepare for this role-reversal without it becoming a burden or a cause of family conflict. In the later stages of life, many seniors want to stay independent for as long as possible, but …