Corporate or individual trustees: An SMSF conundrum [CPD Quiz] | Money & Life

An examination of the advantages and disadvantages of establishing a SMSF with a corporate trustee structure or individual trustee structure. It is generally accepted that a self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF) must typically be established with either a corporate trustee structure (where all members are directors of the corporate trustee) or with individual trustees (where all the members are also individual trustees of the fund). In many cases, the decision to use individual trustees instead of …

Health and holistic financial advice [Free eBook] | Money & Life

As financial planning professionals, it can be easy to confine our advice and interactions with clients to topics related directly to money and finances – after all, that’s what usually gets them in the front door! But as our relationships with clients hopefully grow over time, and we become more familiar with their personal circumstances, ambitions and what is holding them back from achieving their goals, it makes sense that we start working with them …

Market Update 6 March 2020 | AMP Capital

Investment markets and key developments over the past week Share markets had a very volatile week – helped initially by more policy easing globally with both the Fed and the RBA cutting interest rates but only to get hit again by intensifying coronavirus concerns. While Chinese shares briefly made it back to their January high and had a strong week, Eurozone, Japanese and Australian shares fell for the week. The Australian share market got some boost …

How to save money at university

How to save money at university Back at uni? Do away with the poor student clichés with these money making and money saving tips Students aren’t exactly known for rolling in cash, but by following these simple tips to start saving money at university you can make the most of what you’ve got. Get a part-time job This might seem obvious, but part-time jobs aren’t what they used to be. Sure, you could take on …

Helping grown-up children with their finances

Helping grown-up children with their finances It’s only natural to want to help your kids with big ticket items to give them a good start in life—particularly in an era when tuition fees and house prices make higher education and owning a home less affordable than in previous generations. But it can be difficult to know when to start turning off the tap. If you have an adult child who isn’t very good with money, …

Can delayed gratification help you with your finances?

Can delayed gratification help you with your finances? The benefits of delayed gratification and how it can help you achieve your financial goals. Are you the type of person who always has to have the latest clothes, smart technology or gym gear? If you answered yes to this question, you could be a person who likes instant gratification, that is, you like to indulge in instant reward now, rather than exercising self-control1, in return for a …

Dreaming big with property

  Dreaming big with property Owning your own home has long been the Australian dream. Even if it means making a significant upfront investment, the long term gains are generally personally and financially rewarding. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the price of an average Australian home increased by about seven per cent a year between 1986 and 2013. In dollar terms, the average home has grown in value by 6.3 times over the …

Doing it with date-onomics

  Doing it with date-onomics Just as you wouldn’t invest money blindly, dabbling in the online dating market also calls for clear-sighted strategies to avoid risky prospects. While listening to your heart rather than your head may feel harmless enough behind a computer screen, critical thinkers are thought to be more likely to avoid poor romantic “investments”. Help with online dating Online dating is not just for young digital natives, it has been taken up …

Jump retirement hurdles with a coach

Jump retirement hurdles with a coach Retirement is a life event that many of us long for, dreaming of the day we don’t ‘have’ to work anymore and we can finally achieve the ‘financial freedom’ we have saved for. But it can also mean a period of adjustment as we settle into a new version of our life. This can sometimes bring with it feelings of anxiety, unsure of what we will actually ‘do’ or …

Help achieve your investment goals with dynamic asset allocation

  Help achieve your investment goals with dynamic asset allocation It goes without saying that the investment landscape has changed dramatically in recent years. Deleveraging has become an ongoing theme; central banks have played a significant role in guiding the economy and extreme swings in investor sentiment have all contributed to market volatility. All this will likely continue to impact the reliability of future investment returns. Investment cycles prevail The fundamental principle underpinning a dynamic …