How to play catch up with your super

How to play catch up with your super Now you can put more into super at the concessional rate of tax, starting from the 2019-20 financial year Putting more money into the tax-friendly framework of superannuation to help you enjoy a fulfilling retirement… it’s one of those things that seems like a no brainer, especially with the benefit of hindsight. In a recent report Australians in retirement said that making extra super contributions was the …

See how you can cash in on government co-contributions

See how you can cash in on government co-contributions If you’ve made an after-tax contribution to your super fund, you might be eligible for a co-contribution of up to $500 from the government. Did you know the government may add up to $500 to your super fund, if you’re a low to middle-income earner who has made an after-tax contribution to your super? If you’d like to know more, we explain how government co-contributions work, …

How can we help? Take control of your super

How can we help?  Take control of your super Getting your super sorted How can we help?  Take control of your super. Retirement may seem like a long way off, but putting money into super now is still a tax effective way to invest your money. That’s because some types of contributions you make and the investment earnings on those contributions, are taxed at concessional rates. Not only is super a tax effective way of …