How can we help take control of your Super choice

How can we help take control of your Super choice Many Australians are now free to choose their own superannuation funds instead of automatically becoming members of their employer fund. This is known as super choice, or choice of fund. But what does it really mean for you and what difference does it make?   Common questions to consider Some questions you may wish to consider include: What is a choice of fund? Am I …

How can we help? Take control of your super

How can we help?  Take control of your super Getting your super sorted How can we help?  Take control of your super. Retirement may seem like a long way off, but putting money into super now is still a tax effective way to invest your money. That’s because some types of contributions you make and the investment earnings on those contributions, are taxed at concessional rates. Not only is super a tax effective way of …

What Can You Do When Your Partner Refuses to Save Money?

What Can You Do When Your Partner Refuses to Save Money? Are you the responsible one in the family? Do you wish your significant other was just like you when it came to saving money? Unfortunately, you cannot have everything in life that you wished for. If your partner is bad with money and you are tired of telling him or her to straighten out their act, it’s time that you take the matter into …