Understanding superannuation: your questions answered

  For many Australians, their super will be one of the largest assets they have when they retire, next to the family home. That’s why making choices around your super now can make a big difference later on. In this short video, Mukul from AMP discusses how super can help you save for retirement, what factors can impact your super balance, whether you should make a choice about where your super goes and how you …

Make the most of the current super caps

Make the most of the current super caps Consider John and Jane’s story before new rules limit your super contributions and pension transfer options. John’s aged 65 and Jane is 60—they’re both about to retire. John has super assets totalling $2 million and Jane’s super balance is $300,000. Because neither has made a non-concessional contribution (NCC) recently, the three-year bring-forward rule hasn’t yet been triggered. That means John and Jane have a chance to take …

Estate planning and why you need a super plan

Estate planning and why you need a super plan When it comes to passing-on your super money, you need to put specific plans in place so the right people end up with it when the time comes. You’d probably rather be doing something other than thinking about your own mortality. But because your super can become a significant amount of money, you’ll want to make sure it goes to the right people when you die. …

Diversifying inside super

Diversifying inside super Find out what it is, how it works and why it matters to you What is diversification? Diversification is a risk strategy that lets you ride the ups and downs of investing. It reduces your exposure to risk, so your investments won’t be as affected by fluctuations in markets. How do you diversify? Investment diversification can be achieved by choosing a mix of: asset classes (cash, fixed interest, bonds, property and shares) …

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Super in a nutshell

Super in a nutshell If your super’s in the too-hard basket, read on so you can take control and make the most of your money. The Australian superannuation system comprises money from working and retired Australians. All up, it’s projected to total $8 trillion by 2033[1] and some of that is likely to be your money. If you take an interest in your super today, you may have more in your hand down the track. …

Consolidating your super

Consolidating your super Now is the time to bring it all together   Get started Finding your Lost Super is easy Don’t let lost super leave you out of pocket, wherever your super is, we’ll find it for you. Now is the time to bring it all together Find Your Lost Super Consolidate your Super Now Want to consolidate with Australia’s favourite for super? At AMP we offer three ways to bring your super together. Each takes just a few minutes. …

Superannuation explained simply with ATO video’s

  Neither FinancialPartners (Tas) Pty Ltd nor AMP Financial Planning Pty Ltd is endorsing these videos, they are provided for easy access to the latest Financial Information. See Disclaimer below for full details     Please note there should be some caution in rolling over funds. There needs to be consideration of fees, Insurance and other features of the plans. We would suggest that you seek advice is this area.  

Managing your debt

Managing your debt  Debt and Cashflow Management Debt is part of modern life. It can be used to help you reach your goals, but only when you are in control of it, not when it is in control of you. It’s easy to build up little bits of debt here and there that don’t appear to amount to much, but can quickly eat into your cash flow. Common questions to consider Some questions you may …