Living longer, working longer and super balances larger

Living longer, working longer and super balances larger Australians with the best life expectancy in history will have to work longer in order to be able to fund their retirement. But research has found only half of all working Australians will be healthy enough to work in to their golden years. The latest AMP.NATSEM report, Going the distance: Working longer, living healthier, has found the majority of Australians have less than a 50 per cent …

It pays to contribute to your partner’s super

It pays to contribute to your partner’s super If your spouse is a stay-at-home parent, working part-time or out of work, adding to their super could benefit you both financially. If your spouse (husband, wife, de facto or same-sex partner) is a low-income earner or not working at the moment, chances are they’re accumulating little or no super at all to fund their retirement. The good news is, if you help by contributing some of …

Understanding superannuation: your questions answered

  For many Australians, their super will be one of the largest assets they have when they retire, next to the family home. That’s why making choices around your super now can make a big difference later on. In this short video, Mukul from AMP discusses how super can help you save for retirement, what factors can impact your super balance, whether you should make a choice about where your super goes and how you …

Make the most of the current super caps

Make the most of the current super caps Consider John and Jane’s story before new rules limit your super contributions and pension transfer options. John’s aged 65 and Jane is 60—they’re both about to retire. John has super assets totalling $2 million and Jane’s super balance is $300,000. Because neither has made a non-concessional contribution (NCC) recently, the three-year bring-forward rule hasn’t yet been triggered. That means John and Jane have a chance to take …

Estate planning and why you need a super plan

Estate planning and why you need a super plan When it comes to passing-on your super money, you need to put specific plans in place so the right people end up with it when the time comes. You’d probably rather be doing something other than thinking about your own mortality. But because your super can become a significant amount of money, you’ll want to make sure it goes to the right people when you die. …

Changes to super are coming into effect from July

Changes to super are coming into effect from July The clock is ticking and changes to the superannuation rules will come into effect on 1 July 2017. While the government will reduce the amount of money you can put into super from 1 July 2017, the good news is that you could still take advantage of opportunities before the financial year ends. See what you should be aware of and what the new laws could mean …

Super changes from July 2017

Super changes from July 2017 How will they impact you? We cover some of the factors to be aware of given changes have just passed in parliament and are due to become superannuation law. Earlier this year, the Federal Budget announcement included a proposal to introduce changes to super bigger than the likes of anything we’ve seen in almost a decade. Then, in September the government announced some significant adjustments to its proposal. The revised …

Should I repay my home loan or boost my super?

Should I repay my home loan or boost my super? Both options make good financial sense—we look at some pros and cons to help you decide. Retirement may not be as far off as it used to be. With this in mind, are you finding there’s a trade-off between home loan repayments and your retirement nest egg? Adding money to super has its advantages and so does paying off your home loan. So if you’ve …

What happens to my super when I die?

What happens to my super when I die? As uncomfortable as it can be to think about, no one lives forever. And because you’ve worked hard to earn your super money, you’ll want to make sure that when the time comes, your remaining super goes to your loved ones. Like many people, you may not know that your super money isn’t covered in your will. Or how to make sure your money goes to the …