Superannuation and divorce | Money & Life

Superannuation and divorce Whatever the age, separation and divorce can be a stressful and painful experience. According to the Australian Institute of Family Studies[1], the divorce rate has been trending down in the 2000s. However, the proportion of couples divorcing who had been married for 20 years and longer has been increasing, with one age group 55-59 doubling over the last two decades. This rising trend is referred to as “grey divorce” or “silver splitters”, …

6 steps to feel more positive about your finances

6 steps to help you feel more positive about your finances Managing your money doesn’t have to be stressful. By breaking down your goals and establishing good habits you can work towards financial wellbeing. With one in four Australians reporting more financial stress after COVID1, it’s no surprise many of us are concerned about the future. Between mounting bills, unexpected expenses and a lack of understanding around our needs in retirement, getting our savings on …