Keeping tabs on your super investments

Keeping tabs on your super investments It’s important to get your investment strategy right with super. Keeping tabs on your super investments. Reviewing your portfolio regularly and getting advice can make all the difference to your savings and income for retirement. We talked to CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER®professional Matt Torney from Muirfield Financial Services about how to make sure you’re taking the right approach with your super investments. What sort of questions can help you determine your …

Downsizing should be a choice, not a wealth strategy

Downsizing should be a choice, not a wealth strategy Downsizing to a coastal town or regional hub can hold lifestyle appeal, but don’t bank on it as a strategy to fund your retirement. For many empty nesters, who may not have had the benefit of employer-paid super throughout their working life, the value of the family home can be seen as the jewel in the crown of a retirement funding strategy. After all, who cares …

How to make the most of investment and economic research

16 August 2017 How to make the most of investment and economic research In a world where people can be bombarded with information, AMP Capital Head of Investment Strategy and Chief Economist Shane Oliver recommends taking a strategic approach to investing. “If you are to be a successful investor you have to have an investment process,” says Oliver. The trick, he says, is cutting out the noise and sticking to the fundamentals. AMP Capital’s approach …

How to create visibility on spending goals in retirement

How to create visibility on spending goals in retirement Retirees looking to develop a sustainable financial plan face a challenging technical problem. So it makes sense to simplify some of the inputs. Those of us who focus on the production of investment returns for retirees’ financial assets often choose to make simple assumptions about consumption patterns in retirement. However a more detailed understanding of priorities for spending in retirement can inform the design of appropriate …