4 Things You Should Know Before You Start Budgeting

4 Things You Should Know Before You Start Budgeting With the end of the year nearing, it is almost time up for the New Year resolutions. Most people have either already made their New Year resolutions or are in the process of making or finalizing them. If you have made a resolution for this New Year that you are going to budget your expenses better this year, well then you are in luck. This blog …

Love and money

Love and money – safeguarding relationships Are you or your partner making sneaky ATM trips? Engaging in late-night online banking sessions? If so, you – or they – could be guilty of ‘financial infidelity’. Forget sex, religion or politics, the experts all agree that money is the most common cause of relationship tension. “We think about relationship compatibility from just about every angle except money, yet finances are a top cause of divorce. Many people …

How To Save Money For The Holiday Season In A Month

How To Save Money For The Holiday Season In A Month Holiday season is such a wonderful time to have fun and enjoy with your family right? Say that to someone who is responsible for the expenses that come with the holiday season and they’ll add the word “stressful” in your description of the holiday season. Let’s give you a little relief and give you ways to save for the holiday season in a month. …

Let’s talk about money

  Let’s talk about money When it comes to analysing the state of Australian relationships, you can forget the bedroom. The really revealing behaviour takes place behind closed bank accounts. Let’s talk about money.. It is no secret that money is often at the heart of divorce and family disputes. Money has certainly not bought love for Australia’s richest person, Gina Rinehart who is locked in a bitter court battle with her children for control of …

Are we becoming a cashless society?

  Are we becoming a cashless society? Australians are edging towards a cashless future, as consumers use debit cards or other electronic payment methods in preference to cash at the checkout and online. But whether we will entirely shun notes and coins in the future is not certain. For one thing, cash has its benefits. It’s easier for small transactions such as buying a coffee or tipping a waiter. However, the rise of contactless, credit …

How to Get Yourself Independent from Credit Cards

How to Get Yourself Independent from Credit Cards Credit cards have almost become a necessity in today’s world for most people. They have made the use of hard cash a little less important in society while simultaneously becoming something on which people seem almost hooked up. Credit cards can be used constructively to have a positive impact on your life. However, there may be times when they cause a negative financial situation in your life. …

Paying your bills in retirement

  Paying your bills in retirement Retirees and those nearing retirement have learned the hard way the importance of holding a portion of their nest egg in low-risk fixed income investments. During the financial crisis cash and bonds not only outperformed shares and property, they helped investors protect their capital and pay the bills.1 Now that interest rates on most term deposits are below four percent 2 and the official cash rate is at record …

Money Saving Secrets For Housewives

Money Saving Secrets For Housewives Become a Financially Savvy Housewife! Housewives usually don’t get the same level of acknowledgement as working women do- and you want to know why? That’s because they don’t earn! Bitter, as it may sound, but you can’t deny the truth. No matter, how much your husband loves you, if you have only added to his financial responsibilities- he might become frustrated.  But there is no need to lose hope! You …

The Power of Budgeting

The Power of Budgeting A budget can help you work out what you’re spending money on and when Are you aware you need to change your spending habits, but not sure where to start? A budget can help you get back to basics and work out what’s going where and when. Whatever your plans, a budget can help you to: get more organised with your finances cut down spending in areas you have a tendency …

10 reasons your kids won’t listen to your money advice

10 reasons your kids won’t listen to your money advice …and how you can bring them around Every parent wants the best for their children but kids often won’t listen to the wisdom of your experience, especially when it comes to money. Don’t give up! Here are some of the common beliefs and misconceptions kids have about managing money—and how you could get them to take your advice. Money buys happiness This is one of …